Saturday 10 June 2017

Lets Play wid Clotting Factors

Mnemonic for clotting factors
Fresher’s Party Tonight, Come Let’s Sing And Call Seniors, Please Have Fun”

I Fibrinogen
II Prothrombin
III Tissue factor
IV Calcium
V Proaccelerin, Labile factor
VI  Unassigned – Old name of Factor Va
VII Stable factor, proconvertin
VIII Antihemophilic factor A
IX Antihemophilic factor B or Christmas factor
X Stuart-Prower factor
XI Plasma thromboplastin antecedent
XII Hageman factor
XIII Fibrin-stabilizing factor

All about immunoglobulins
1.Smallest Ig- IgG
 2. Largest Ig- IgM
 3. Maximum serum concentration- IgG 
4. Minimum serum concentration- IgE 5.Heat Labile- IgE 
6. Earliest to be Synthesised (primary immune response)- IgM
 7. Secondary immune response- IgG 8. Crosses Placenta- IgG 
9. Minimum half Life- IgE 
10. Maximum half life- IgG 
11. Protects Surfaces- IgA 
12. Warm Antibodies- IgG
 13. Cold Antbodies- IgM 
14. Present in Milk- IgG and IgA 
15. Fix complements via classical pathway- IgM & IgG 
16. Fix complements via alternative pathway- IgA & IgD 
17. Primary allergic response- IgE 
18. Maximum sedimentation cofficient- IgM 
19. Reagin activity – IgE
 20. Antigen recognition by B cells – IgD 
21. Prausnitz kustner reaction – IgE 22. Homocytotropism – IgE
 23. Present in milk – IgA & IgG
 24. Highest carbohydrate – IgE
 25. Lowest carbohydrate – IgG
CD Markers
1-5 , 7 , 8 , 28TCR (T cell Marker)
19-23 , 10 (CALLA)BCR (B cell Marker)
16 , 56NK cell Marker
68Macrophage (histocyte) marker
31Adhesion Molecule (PECAM -1àon both endothelium and neutrophil)
11/18Integrin Beta2 (LFA-1/MAC-1) (on neutrophil)
117 = c-KitGIST
Needed for hematological spread (metastasis),
Hyaluronic acid receptor
45= LCALymphoma Marker
99Ewing’s Sarcoma marker
1aLangerhan’s Cell marker
15,30RS cell Marker
16Fc receptor of NK cells
34Stem Cell Marker
55 = DAFInhibit C3 and C5 convertase
59 = MIRLInhibits MAC
20Hodgkin’s –Lymphocytic Predominant
Mesangial IgA1 receptor
Enhanced expression in Berger Disease(IgA nephropathy) and Henoch-Schönlein Nephritis

Important Bodies

1)  Asteroid  bodies  -  Sporotrichosis   2)  Councillman  bodies  -  Yellow  fever  
3)  Torries  bodies  -  Yellow  fever  
4)  Leishmans  Donovans  bodies  -  Kala  Azar  
5)  Halbersteadter-Prowazeke's  bodies  -  Trachoma  
6)  Miyagava's  bodies  -  Lymphogranuloma  venereum  
7)  Levinthal-Cole-Lillie  bodies  -  Psittacosis  
8) Negri bodies (intracytoplasmic, intraneuron,hippocampus)  -  Rabies   9)  Guarnieri's  bodies  -  Vaccinia  (intracytoplasmic)  
10)  Bollinger's  bodies  -  Fowl  pox  (inrtacytoplasmic)
11)  Henderson-Peterson's  bodies  -  Mollascum  cantagiosum  
12)  Cowdry  type-A  bodies  -  Yellow  fever,  Herpus  virus  infection  
13)  Cowdry  type-B  bodies  -  Adenovirus,  Poliovirus(code-BAP)   14)  Aschoff's  bodies  -  Rheumatic  fever  
15)  Rusell's  bodies  -  Multiple  myeloma  
16)  Schauman's/Conchoid  bodies(calcium  &  iron  complexes)  -  Sarcoidosis  &  Beryliosis  
17)  Asteroid  bodies(eosinophilic  inclusions)  -  Sarcoidosis  
18)  Call-Exner  bodies  -  Granulosa  cell  tumour  of  ovary  
19)  Verrocy  bodies  -  Neurilemmoma  
20)  Civette(colloid)  bodies  -  Lichen  planus  
21)  Michelis-Guttmann's  bodies  -  Malakoplakia  
22)  Lewy  bodies  -  Parkinson's  disease  
23)  Lafora  bodies  -  Familial  myoclonus  
24)  Hirano  bodies  -  Alzhemer's  disease  
25)  Weibel-Palade  bodies  -  storage  organeles  of  vonWillebrands  factor  in  platelets  & endothelium  
26)  Papperheimer  bodies  -  nonheame  iron  pigments  in  siderocytes  
27)  Howell-Jelly  bodies  -  spleenectomy  ,  Megaloblastic  Anaemia,  Hemolytic  anaemia  
28)  Hectoid  bodies  -  Sickle  cell  anemia  
29)  Heinz  bodies  -  thalasemia  
30)  Dohle  bodies  -  cytoplasmic  inclusion  bodies  in  neutrophils  seen  in  bacterial  infection  
31)  Histocytosis-X(HX)(Birbeck's  granules)  -  Histocytosis-X  
32)  Gamma-Gandy  bodies  -  Congestive  spleenomegaly  
33)  Mallory's  bodies  -  hyaline  inclusions  in  heapato  cytes  seen  in  alcoholic,  indian  childhood cirrhosis  etc...  
34)  Apoptotic  bodies  -  membrane  bound  spherical  sturctures  in  Apoptosis
35)  Psammoma  bodies  -  dystrophic  calcification  in  meningioma,  papillary  serous  cystadenoma of  ovary  &  papillary  carcinoma  of  thyroid,  papillry  type  of  RCC.  
36)  LE  bodies  (haematoxylin  bodies)  -  SLE  
37)  Dumbell  shaped  Asbestos  bodies  -  asbestos  fibres  coated  with  glycoprotien  &  hemosiderin. stained  with  Prussian  blue  stain  
38)  Luys  body  -  subthalamic  nucleus  
39  )Davidson's  body  -  sex  chromatin  in  neutrophils  (dumbell  shaped)  
40)  Herring  bodies  -  pars  nervosa  of  pituitary  gland  

41)  Donovan  body  -  Granuloma  inguinale  
42)  Nissels  bodies  -  cytoplasmic  inclusions  in  neurons  
43)  Mooser's  bodies  -  Typhus  fever   44)  Lipschutz'  bodies  -  intra  nuclear  inclusions  in  herpes  simplex  infection  
45)  Zebra  bodies  -  cytoplsmic  inclusions  in  schwaan  cell  degeneration  
46)  Babes-Ernest  metachromatic  granules  -  Diphtheria  
47  )Reilly's  bodies  -  Hurler's  syndrome  
48)  Gamma-Favre  bodies  -  LGV  
49)  Winkler's  &  Ross's  bodies  -  Syphilis  
50)  Sandstrom's  bodies  -  Parathyroid  gland  
51.  COUNCILLMAN  BODIES  =  HEP  B  (  dying  hepatocytes  )  
53.  HEINZ  BODIES  =  G6PD  DEF  
54.  PICK  BODIES  =  PICKS  D/S  
61.  ALDER  -  REILLY  BODIES  =  coarse  azurophilic  granules  in  the  leukocytes  in  ALDER  - REILLY  SYNDROME.  
62.  BODIES  OF  ARANTIUS  =  aortic  valve  nodules  
63.  VEROCAY  BODIES  =  schwaanoma  
64.  BALBIANI'S  BODIES  =  yolk  nucleus   
65.  BAMBOO  BODIES  =  asbestos  bodies  
66.  BRASSY  BODY  =  dark  shrunken  blood  corpuscle  found  in  MALARIA  67.  COCCOID  X  BODIES  =  psittacosis  
68.  CYTOID  BODIES  =  in  degenerated  retinal.N  fibres..seen  in  cotton  wool  spots  
69.  HARTING  BODIES  =  calcospheritis  in  the  cerebral  capillaries  
70.  BODY  OF  HIGHMORE  =  mediastinum  testis  
71.  MASSON  BODIES  =  rheumatic  pneumonia  
72.  MOTT  BODIES  =  multiple  myeloma  
73.  DONNES  BODIES  =  colostrum  corpuscles  
74.  OKEN'S  BODY  =  mesonephros   75.  PASCHEN  BODIES  =  variola  or  vaccinia  
77.  RESIDUAL  BODIES  =  SARCOID  AND  SARCOID  LIKE  GRANULOMAS   78.  body  of  HIGHMORE  =  medullary  carinoma  of  testis  
79.  ODLAND  bodies  =  flegel  disease  (i.e  hyperkeratosis  lenticularis  perstans)  
80.  Red  Neurons  =  Apoptosis

1 comment:

  1. this is very nice post & thanks for sharing post .
